پنجشنبه, 06 دی 1403

129 percent growth in exports coming of manufactures in Aras Free Zone

129 percent growth in exports coming of manufactures in Aras Free Zone

Deputy of economic and investment of Aras Free Zone Org. announced that 129 percent growth occurred in exports coming of manufactures in Aras Free Zone during the first 6 months of the year.

Public relations and international affairs of Aras Free Zone Org reported that Iraj Htami said: In the first 6 months of this year, the total value of exports coming of manufactures was $ 39 million that in comparison with the same period of last year has 129 percent growth.
He declared: At that time more than thirty thousand tons goods have been manufactured and exported in the zone that in comparison with the same period of last year has 114 percent growth in weight.

He added: At this time, the major goods, manufactured and exported in Aras Free Zone, were pickles - cake - thin frontage - oil derivatives- plastic bag - yarn - cabinet - variety of metal painted instruments - Microwave - trucks - lorry parks and play equipment for children which has been exported to the destination countries includes Armenia - Afghanistan - Turkey - Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Hatami with referring to initiating 20.000 hectares of Aras Free Zone Area in the first half of this year and the results coming of the initiation said: After initiation of the area and exiting Aras Free Zone from the capacity of 135 hectares, Aras Free Zone will have notable growth in economic parameters.

Iraj Hatami said: Now, 37 manufacturing units are working in Aras Free Zone in various fields including: textile, petrochemical, oil, polyethylene, automotive, battery manufacturing, food and home and town furniture.

It must be said: Aras Free Zone, with 51.000 hectares in area, is the largest free zone in Iran and has four separated areas located in Jolfa and Khoda-Afarin provinces and Jolfa part has 20.500 hectares in area.

:لینک کوتاه
تاریخ انتشار:

پوستر و اینفوگرافی

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